Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Dreaded Flu Bug!!!!

We kept it at bay as long as we could but the children managed to bring home the dreaded flu bug! For those of you who have been lucky enough to avoid it thus far I will share with you what you have to look forward too. It begins with a sore throat and quickly progresses to a VERY high fever sweating and chills, an excruciating stomach ache, vomiting, coughing and congestion with a very stuffy nose. This years flu seams to last longer as well, My son became sick on Friday 1/18/13 and was well enough to return to school Tuesday 1/29/13! so about 10 days.

Stick to clear liquids and boil chicken in broth. keep hydrated. and if you can get some try water keifer and/or milk keifer. some stores carry milk keifer by the yogurts or milk area. It is very similiar to a yogurt smoothy but full of great things for your body and tummy! yogurt also seamed to help my sons stomach ache as I did not have access to the keifer at that time. keep the house aired out open window and let the air circulate out and lastly add 3 tablespoons of bleach to your dish water to kill any flu bugs on the dishes and silverware! and wash your and your kids hands often.

Tips to avoid flu bug at grocery store

Try to do your shopping at non peak times so your exposed to less people, always use the antibacterial wipes on the carts  handle, If possible leave the kids at home as they touch everything! also when you get home WASH your fruits and veggies think about how many peoples hands have picked up that piece of fruit or veggie before you bought it, you have seen them the people that touch every piece looking for that perfect one!

Hope these tips help you and your family stay healthy through this years flu season!

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