Taboo Discussion Forum

Taboo Discussions

This is the place we will be discussing things like Gun Control, Politics, The Economy, Abortion, Sex and many more sensitive topics in a forum where you can state your views and opinions on the subject (even if they differ from mine)without being ridiculed or getting comment backlash. I ask that everyone respect that we are all free to have our own beliefs, views and opinions and have a right to share it. that is part of what freedom is and what the great men and women of our military fight for! so be courteous agree to disagree and any negative comments or verbal attacks toward anyone will not be tolerated. lets have mature discussions here! Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Going to start with the whole gun banning debate!
    this is a bit of my opinion that I posted earlier on a friends page.

    How bout banning idiots! In my opinion the only gun that I have an issue with regular civilians owning is the ones that pop off like 50 rounds in a millisecond, I do not see any reason why someone would need that. but hunting weapons or hand guns for protecting your family that is a no brainer. If you want to play with machine guns join the military. Its not the guns that are the problem its the idiot holding it. What makes people think that banning guns is going to stop violence? They will still get guns just like people get anything else that is banned or illegal! Maybe we should start with raising our kids with better morals and accountability and teach them to be loving, caring and humble. and spend more time with your children turn off the damn computers video games and television and talk to your kids then you might realize something is wrong and you can get them help before they go out and do something horrific! Not trying to blame the parents but we have to start somewhere and I am sorry but I am at the schools everyday and I am seeing some rude lazy uncaring spoiled kids with an entitlement attitude more and more! I could never be a teacher because the parent may not spank that kid but I would then Id smack the parents for allowing it!
